Search diatom taxa
Easily find a specific diatom taxon within a list that comprises a total of 1170 taxa. Sort your search results according to environmental criteria or diatom occurrences and access lake information. Consult the detailed environmental characteristics of a site and compare the distribution of a specific diatom taxon across the entire geographic range covered by the CDD dataset.

Download data
Choose over 12 circumpolar training datasets that contain information collected between 1979 and the present-day. Diatomists can use these data to generate transfer functions or environmental reconstructions.

Contribute to the CDD
The CDD project aims to become an international reference for paleolimnologists. To achieve this goal, the scientific community is encouraged to contribute to the project by sharing their data. The database currently contains 40,114 diatom occurrence data and more than 15,000 environmental data points. Those wishing to contribute data should contact: Paul Hamilton